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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

"Janet" > wrote in message
> In article >, says...
>> The dry cleaner I applied at, expected me to be up, showered and dressed
>> by
>> 8:00 a.m., 6 days a week

> 8 am, eh? Imagine that.
> Good thing you never worked in a restaurant serving breakfasts,
> hospital, school, hotel, care home , factory shifts etc.

And I wouldn't have done any of those jobs. No interest in those. But...
I did work various shifts, including having to go in at 5:00 a.m. at K Mart,
occasionally working through the night, and going in at 3:00 a.m. to get the
coffee going for golf tournaments when I worked at the golf course. But in
these cases I knew in advance what the shift was.

There is no way I would get up and get fully ready for work when there was
only a very slight chance that they might be needing me that day. I would
also not stay home for 10 hours, 6 days a week on the same slight chance
that I might be need. I do have a life. One would be pretty desperate to
have to do that. Just sitting there waiting for potentially 60 hours a week
to what might amount to a mere $50, before taxes. And most likely it
wouldn't even be that much. More likely it would only bring in $10! Who
would do that? Who would even drive to work for those wages. I lived on
the one end of the Cape and they had one location clear on the other end.
With all the tourists that they get there, that could easily be a 2 hour
drive. And for what? To put in 2 hours of work? I don't think so. For 2
hours and those wages I'd do an odd job or babysitting that was nearby. But
not that!