Is It Just Me....
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Is It Just Me....
In article >,
(PENMART01) wrote:
> > "Gregory Morrow" writes:
> >
> >...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
> >the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> >reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> >least a little....
> >
> >The only real exception I've noticed is orange juice - there has been a
> >bumper crop of oranges and because of the Atikins mania fewer are drinking
> >it, so OJ is a relative bargain these days....
> >
> >I hew to a fairly strict grocery budget, use coupons, cook a lot from
> >scratch, and tend to buy stuff only when it's on sale...I'm not the type to
> >get a hundred bucks from the ATM and go grocery shopping just because it's a
> >fun thing to do. I always make a list and stick to it.
> >
> >Anyone else notice this or is it just me?
> Blame the ****ing moslems. The ****ing moslems initiated a religious war and
> so the cost of black gold went through the roof. Because of the ****ing
> moslems everything that moves costs considerably more. Because of thE
> ****ing
> moslems moving food to market costs a heap more. Because of the ****ing
> moslems
> farm equipment, farM equipment all over the world, costs much more to
> operate... yoose think those 360 Horsepower John Deeres out in the
> corn/wheat/etc fields run on Horseshit... hell no, because of the ****ing
> moslems the price of diesel has doubled since 9/11. Because of the ****ing
> moslems food processing costs considerably more, especially cooking fuel.
> Fortunately Americans don't have it so bad (food represents a relatively
> small
> percentage of disposable income), but because of the ****ing moslems innocent
> people all over the world are hungry, many are starving to death. Now
> because
> of the ****ing moslems the scientists at all the US national laboratories are
> diligently working at perfecting energy sources other than ****ing moslem
> oil... and very soon ALL the ****ing moslems are going to starve, to death.
> I
> have no use for any ****ing moslem... I find a ****ing moslem drowning I'd
> ****
> on it.
> Sheldon
As much as I hate to even get involved with such a racist post,
he does have a point. :-( Somewhat...
Shel' honey, there are other sources of oil other than what the Arabs
are supplying. We have plenty of our own reserves, and Mexico and Russia
are also suppliers and I think Russia is part of OPEC. African oil
sources are being opened up shortly. And there is plenty of oil in
Alaska. With proper management, oil wells do not have to damage the
Part of the blame has to fall on our greedy-assed oil barons here in the
US. If they would not buy arabian oil, (boycott it if it gets over a
certain price), they would be forced to bring the prices back down.
We do NOT have to buy Moslem oil!
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
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