Uninspired Breakfast
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Uninspired Breakfast
On 12/19/2013 2:57 PM,
> On Thu, 19 Dec 2013 14:55:29 -1000, dsi1
> > wrote:
>> On 12/19/2013 2:40 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 12/19/2013 7:37 PM, Cheri wrote:
>>>> Where I am, they don't allow parents to bring anything that is homemade.
>>>> It has to be store bought.
>>>> Cheri
>>> Not that I know anything about this... but is store-bought so much better?
>>> Jill
>> They do this for security reasons and so they can check for dangerous
>> substances. Since 9-11, nobody's taking any chances. A woman came into
>> my office with a plate of homemade treats. There's banana bread and iced
>> gingerbread bars and something called "cow plops" which is a non-baked,
>> peanut butter based concoction of rolled oats, coconut, and cocoa. I am
>> currently inspecting these homemade items for safety. It will take a
>> couple more hours before they're fully certified to take home.
> The world has gone mad !!
I should clarify that my safety testing procedures consists of me
pigging out on the treats in question. I'm fairly certain that the lady
does not want me dead or means me any harm. If she does, she certainly
hides it well.
OTOH, things have certainly changed since I went to school and even from
the days that my oldest son was going to grade school. These days,
everybody's afraid of getting sued or blamed for something. School is
all about guidelines and rules and being fearful. The teachers have to
worry about the kid's allergies, feelings, and safety to a higher degree
than they ever have. Forget about Johnny not reading, they have to
consider Johnny coming to class with an assault rifle and blowing away
the faculty and the student body. As you say, the world has gone mad.
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