On Sun, 22 Dec 2013 01:09:12 -0000, Janet > wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
> > They will never be able to pass themselves off as Scottish. If I have
> > heard correctly, deep fried Mars bars are most popular in Scotland.
> > According to Wikipedia, 22% of fish and chip shops in Scotland sell
> > them. I have only seen them at kiosks at special events here, never in
> > regular shops. Personally, the very thought of deep frying something
> > that sickeningly sweet makes my stomach flinch.
> I thought that, and said so while eating at a friend's pub. He
> immediately said I had to try one first and rustled one up in the
> kitchen. (just the mini-size).
> It was fantastic :-) the batter was very light and crisp and all the
> choc and gooey stuff had melted inside it.
At least you tried it, Janet! Your report is making me think I'll
give it a shot (if I can share with one or more people) sometime....
not that I've ever seen it for sale, but I know it's out there
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.