kitchenaid mixers?
PENMART01 > wrote:
> "kag" > writes:
> >are they worth the $$?
> Only YOU can determine value to yourself
> >or are there any better ones out there i am not aware of?
> There are many better mixers, in fact most other stand mixers are better, but
Total bullshit. There are a lot of stand mixers not
as good as a Kitchen Aid. Just check the appliance
aisle at WalMart, you'll find plenty.
> the better question is better for what... because no KA mixer can mix more
> dough, or anything else than the average resonably healthy person can easily
> mix by hand or with a hand mixer. For large batches you pretty much need a
Yeah, I suppose, but some people don't want to mix
stuff by hand, and there is no consumer handheld mixer that
will hold up to bread dough for very long.
> commercial machine, otherwise your hands and a hand mixer will more than
> suffice.
Sure, most any *commercial* stand mixer will be better
than a KA, but very few consumer makes.
Sheldon has some sort of grudge against KA. Not clear
what or why, but he rarely misses an opportunity to
complain about them.
Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.