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gtr gtr is offline
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Default Quick takeout dinner 12/24/2013

On 2013-12-26 18:59:15 +0000, Ophelia said:

> "gtr" > wrote in message news:2013122610500184105-xxx@yyyzzz...
>> On 2013-12-25 15:34:57 +0000, jmcquown said:
>>> True, but deep frying is best left to those who don't want to deal with
>>> lots of hot oil (or the resulting cleanup) I have a fond memory of
>>> an RFC participant who is no longer with us (Alan Boles, aka hahabogus)
>>> relating how he made beer-battered fish & chips once. IIRC they turned
>>> out very good but he said he really made a mess.

>> I have two ceasless running gags with the wife. One is that we should
>> both get a tattoo, which neither of us will ever do. I usually point
>> to the most hideous goth symbol, and say "How about this one? Aw come
>> on, baby! It'll be a testamant to our love!"
>> The other one is in the appliances store where I try to get her to go
>> along with buying a deep-fryer. The truth of the matter is I'd love it.
>> She talks about how messy it would be and what a pain, and what do you
>> do with the oil and so forth. But the reality is that she won't eat
>> much fried foods. And still has the figure to prove it.

> <g> I don't hear you complaining about that too much

Their are benefits to some "deprivations".