Is It Just Me....
"Wayne" > wrote in message
> notbob > wrote in
> news:2ikPc.233097$XM6.65938@attbi_s53:
> > No, it's not just you. Prices have gone up way more than 'a little'.
> > I've been ranting about it for over two years now and it's gone into
> > overdrive in the last year. Naturally, out here in CA, where all
> > prices are beyond insane, it will seem even more extreme, but
> > reletively the prices have still jumped at least 25-50% in the last
> > year. Some examples of current prices:
> >
> > butter $5+ lb
> > bacon $6+ lb
> > eggs $3-4 doz
> > bread $3.50+ loaf
> > Amrcn cheese $5 per 16 cnt
> > cereal $4-5 box
> >
> I thought our prices were bad, but these are insane! I can still get
> butter for around $2/lb, bacon $3/lb, eggs $1.20/doz. Cereal is almost
> as high as yours, as is American Cheese. What gets me is ordinary ground
> beef for $5-6/lb.
> --
> Wayne in Phoenix
> If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
I'm paying those high prices too. Milk is $7.99 a gallon.