On Fri, 27 Dec 2013 10:06:44 -0500, Boron Elgar
> wrote:
>I give you as example of the assumptions, condemnations, indignation
>and unfounded accusations made about welfare recipients in Florida and
>the program set up to drug test al those on public assistance. Read up
>on it here. It mentions Utah, too.
I have a hard time with one statistic mentioned:
"But in 2012, three years and 87,000 screenings later, only one person
had failed a drug test. "
Really? One is 87,000? That stretches the credibility of they system
they were using.
This is a bit more believable:
"During the past year, the state of Utah has spent over $30,000 giving
drug tests to welfare recipients. In that time period, only 2.6
percent of those tested were found to have used illegal substances —
well below the national use rate of 8.9 percent."
I'll agree it is probably a poor system and not worth doing, but no
way will I ever believe 1 in 87,000 even if it was only Convents
tested. .