"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 2013-12-28 8:04 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> Wonderful! Which proves the point that dogs like pit bulls are not
>>> naturally vicious. All depends on the owner, Unfortunately some men
>>> buy
>>> them to make themselves look tough and teach them to be nasty
It is
>>> the
>>> dogs that pay for that
( They have a miserable life and often get put
>>> down because of their behaviour.
>> True. My previous neighbour had two of them and the ran loose all the
>> time. The younger one used to come over an visit me. Those two and their
>> German Shepherd, all males, used to follow my wife when she took our two
>> dogs (both rescues) on their morning walk. 0
>> The only time I had a problem with the young one was when I tried to
>> teach him to shake a paw and he snapped at me. I remembered that when
>> they moved and they wanted me to take the young one because they didn't
>> trust him around their new baby.
I am very frightened of big dogs that I don't know. I suppose I should be
frightened of little ones too because they can bite.
Once, we were driving when a girl stopped us towards the end of our street.
She wasn't really one of Angela's friends but a friend of a friend who knew
that we liked cats. She wanted to show us her new kitten. The girls were
in the yard playing with the kitten and I was sitting on the front steps.
All of a sudden the front door opened and a huge pit bull came leaping out.
I stood in an attempt to react in some way but what wound up happening was
that the dog jumped on me and knocked me flat. I don't think he was trying
to be mean or anything. It's just that some dogs can be rambunctious like
I guess I must have looked terrified or something. Perhaps I was but it was
more like very startled because I just wasn't expecting it. The girl's dad
then pulled a bit of an attitude, perhaps because he didn't know who we
were. This girl was I think 3 years younger than Angela and she was only
perhaps 8 or 9 at the time. He didn't really say anything to us but ordered
the girl into the house immediately.
Another time I was at a birthday party for a coworker. I was a bit older
and he was in high school but we got along well so he invited me and a few
of the older workers. He had never once mentioned any animals to me. I was
standing by the dining table with a bunch of other people. There was a
sliding glass door covered by a drape. Some guy muttered something like,
"What's out there?" Then he pulled the drape back and two huge Rottweilers
began snapping, barking and hurling themselves into the window. That was
really weird because they had been out there the entire time and not made a
noise. Or maybe they had and we just couldn't hear them over the music.
What happened next was pretty comical. Those of us closest to the window
began screaming and sort of wound up in a heap, crashing into each other in
an attempt to get back. I really thought that the dogs were coming through
the window. They didn't and I guess we startled them as much as we startled