15-bean soup variations?
On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 09:18:49 -0800, gtr > wrote:
> On 2013-12-30 06:54:48 +0000, sf said:
> > In the mean time, I'm happy to report that I
> > found exactly ONE box of Pacific brand mushroom stock on the shelf. I
> > have never actually seen mushroom stock in a store before that, so I
> > bought it and would have bought more if they were there. They also
> > had a box of Pacific brand Thai Coconut some sort of pho base, but I
> > passed it up because it was well over 1000 mg of sodium per serving.
> I don't know if the others work, but as posted elsewhere the Chicken
> Pho sucks.
Well, it was worth a shot. You never know.
> I noted their mushroom broth myself and it got my attention
> because I did that rabbit with in porcini mushrooms. Dried, I soaked
> them for an hour and man-oh-man was that broth an amazing thing. That
> might be all about porcini's but it certainly invigorated my thinking
> about mushrooms in general.
I've been good about using the soaking liquid from dried mushrooms and
have a tea ball fine sieve that I filter it with.
> I'll be interested to know what you do with it.
Since it's the only box of mushroom broth I've ever spotted, I'm going
to parcel it out sparingly. Probably use as an extra mushroomy boost
to soup/stew and gravies because that's where I use mushrooms most.
No idea why their mushroom broth has so little sodium and their Thai
Coconut had twice as much - but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.