On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 19:48:27 -0000, "Ophelia"
> wrote:
> Everything has changed here
) I mentioned daughter is at the clinic in
> Germany with the children and all the rest of the family will wait till they
> can come home for our celebration together ... well eldest grandaughter has
> decided she can't wait that long and she is coming on Thursday for a few
> days
I'm so happy for you! This will be the "quietest" NYE I can remember
since I've been an adult. Son and family are staying home because he
and DIL have to work the day after new year's day, but we have oldest
GS with us. DD's hubby is under the weather, so she's coming without
him and bringing her kids. That's it. We've had friends over for NYE
every year we've owned this house... lately just two other couples
plus our kids & their families, but more people than we're having this
year. I must be getting old, because *I don't care*! Never thought
I'd say that. Huh. Times change, don't they.
I take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon and a shot of tequila