On 12/31/13, 5:51 PM, Charles Milton Ling wrote:
> On 31.12.2013 20:48, pltrgyst wrote:
>> On 12/31/13, 1:08 PM, Charles Milton Ling wrote:
>>> There is a world of difference between glass and metal in their reaction
>>> to temperature. Speaking for myself, I find that glass accomplishes
>>> nothing I really aim for.
>> But glass wins all the comparison tests for even browning, etc. in
>> magazines, including the Cooks Illustrated family.
>> I also find it easier to get absolutely clean than stainless steel or
>> aluminum.
>> As always, ymmv.
> Probably just an irrational prejudice of mine!
No, probably just based on experiences that don't come to mind
immediately -- we all have them.
Besides, you don't have to cook, you're in Vienna -- you can have dinner
at Entler any time you like! 8
-- Larry