what to add to cabbage
On 1/1/2014 12:05 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 23:59:45 -0600, DreadfulBitch
> > wrote:
>> On 12/31/2013 6:41 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> Amen! I've never done this to my kids, but once when I complained about
>>> something on my plate, my dinner was thrown on the back of the fire and
>>> I didn't get anything else either. I never complained again.
>> You just reminded me of a time when I was a kid. Mom was a stay at home
>> mom (just like almost everyone else's mom) and had fixed a big, very
>> labor intensive dinner for all of us. Dad sat down, took a look at his
>> full plate and said, "I don't think I can eat all of this." Mom picked
>> up his plate and threw it into the sink. I don't mean tossed it into
>> the sink. She would have made any major league pitcher proud.
>> I don't think Dad ever complained again either!! (-:
> Depends what you mean by "all of this", are you talking varietal or
> quantity?
What possible difference does it make in this case? Either way the
plate would have been heaved into the sink in an almost blind rage. FTR
he was complaining about the quantity. It was fried chicken, mashed
potatoes with gravy, green beans and a lettuce salad. That's one meal
I'll never forget and one my siblings and I ate in total silence.
I intend to live forever....so far, so good.
......Steven Wright