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bigwheel bigwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by Julie Bove[_2_] View Post
And by tweak, I don't mean changing them to use what you happen to have or
leaving out or swapping things that your family would prefer. I mean making
the recipe, tasting it, then having to add things to it to make it edible!

I just made potato salad. It was a new recipe to me. And when I make
potato salad, I have found that if *I* like it, nobody else in my family
does. And by family I am including extended family in that. I also thought
that I hated potato salad until I had some in a restaurant. Gave it a taste
and liked it. Not sure what all my mom put in hers and she only made it
once a year if that, but I did not like it at all.

So... This is the recipe that I used.

I did use 2.5 pounds of potatoes, subbed in red bell pepper and used about
1.5 peppers, had only dried green onions and used Naysoya mayo.

The end result? A soupy mess with a lemon flavor. Now I do like the combo
of lemon and potatoes but I did not like this. I added some dried chopped
onions and parsley in the hopes of soaking up some of that excess moisture.
I also added some dry mustard, then more and more and more. Let it sit for
a few hours. Still not quite right. Added quite a bit more dried green
onions and 3 ribs of celery. It is better. Much better. But still not
something I would go out of my way to eat. To be fair, as much as I do like
potatoes, no potato salad is my favorite food. I just hope my family will
eat it!

So... Have you ever had to do quite a bit of tweaking to make something
edible? I thought I would try this as I wanted to use up my bell pepper and
baby lemons and I had most of the ingredients. I didn't want to have to go
to the store to buy stuff. And for some reason I bought Yukon Gold
potatoes. I don't even keep potatoes in the house on a regular basis any
more. Except for some frozen fry type things, instant mashed and canned.
But Winco had a good deal on these.
Sounds like you started with some type of crappy yankee recipe for tater salad. A person cant make a silk purse out of a sow's ear ya know?