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Default Is It Just Me....

Date: Mon, Aug 2, 2004, 12:39am
...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive
in the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for
various reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have
gone up at least a little....
The only real exception I've noticed is orange juice - there has been a
bumper crop of oranges and because of the Atikins mania fewer are
drinking it, so OJ is a relative bargain these days....
I hew to a fairly strict grocery budget, use coupons, cook a lot from
scratch, and tend to buy stuff only when it's on sale...I'm not the type
to get a hundred bucks from the ATM and go grocery shopping just because
it's a fun thing to do. I always make a list and stick to it.
Anyone else notice this or is it just me?
Greg ---------------------------------------------------------------
response: Yes, I have seen the price jump in grocery stores especially
on diary products.
But if you listen to your local news they have talking about this
subject since early summer.
I have also noticed at the farmer markets here in the Detroit metro the
quality of the produce is the worst I have seen in years.
Strawberries are going bad on me after just two days, fresh corn on the
cob are not as sweet either.
Fresh watermelons just picked look like treats for the pigs. And lettuce
heads are a joke.