On Fri, 03 Jan 2014 11:28:55 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> On 1/3/2014 2:42 AM, sf wrote:
> > On Thu, 02 Jan 2014 22:47:17 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> >
> >> On 1/2/2014 2:03 PM, George Leppla wrote:
> >>
> >>> The problem with Sheldon's argument is that it assumes that the people
> >>> on food stamps or welfare are "able bodied" when in fact, most people
> >>> are children or the elderly.
> >>>
> >>> http://feedingamerica.org/how-we-fig...realities.aspx
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> or http://tinyurl.com/6ncmdtb
> >>>
> >>> "76% of SNAP households included a child, an elderly person, or a
> >>> disabled person. These vulnerable households receive 83% of all SNAP
> >>> benefits."
> >>>
> >>> "The average SNAP household has a gross monthly income of $744"
> >>>
> >>
> >> That still leaves 24% that are able bodied and can do some work. How
> >> about 4 hours a week at the town parks department? Or at a hospital?
> >>
> > Where are the jobs? Are the republicans going to approve "make work"
> > money to hire them?
> I did not say hire them. They are getting SNAP benefits and this would
> allow them to do some work to pay back for the freebies. Used to have
> workfare programs but they were shot down a few years ago.
What J-O-B-S do you propose and how do you expect them to be
supervised without creating more jobs?
> If they were willing to do that, we'd have many
> > more people than that paltry amount back at work repairing our
> > infrastructure. Government makes work and THAT'S the money that
> > "trickles down", not the tax breaks given to billionaires and multi
> > national corporations.
> Go after the elected officials that legislated those breaks. Don't just
> blame republicans, both parties are guilty. Very guilty.
Yeah, sure. Democrats brought the country to the brink of destruction
more than once during 2013, decided to drug test poor people and
government employees, require vaginal ultrasound before an abortion
and cut off unemployment benefits at Christmas.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> As for the argument that we are raising generations of welfare
> >>> families... here is the fact:
> >>>
> >>> "SNAP already has strict time-limits for unemployed workers. Able-bodied
> >>> adults without dependents (ABAWDs) may only receive 3 months of SNAP
> >>> benefits during any 3 year period, unless they are working in a
> >>> qualifying job training program.
> >
> > Yeah? Who is going to pay for those programs and have jobs ready for
> > the training graduates to fill? Republicans seems to be against any
> > and all of the above.
> When the Dems had power in both houses they did no better. All reps in
> Washington should be voted out.
> >>
> >>
> >> I know of at least two people that are able bodied and have been getting
> >> SNAP benefits for over two years. They do fill out some forms
> >> periodically to remain qualified. Evidently there are loopholes.
> >>
> > Oh, gee whiz. Able bodied does not mean there are jobs going
> > unfilled.
> These guy would not know because they are not actively seeking a job.
> They are content with status quo.
I sincerely doubt it. Try living on SNAP for 6 months and tell me how
happy *you* are with the status quo.
> >> I don't watch Fox news, but I see some real life situations. Some people
> >> need and deserve help, others abuse the system. A few bad ones make
> >> many look bad.
> >>
> >>
> > You're seeing what you want to see, not reality.
> Real life is reality. It is not what the news is (or not) reporting.
Again, you're seeing what you want to see from up in your ivory tower
and it's not reality.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.