New Years Day coffee
On Fri, 03 Jan 2014 12:47:15 -0500, James Silverton
> wrote:
> On 1/3/2014 12:35 PM, sf wrote:
> >
> > I know what you mean. I drink African & Indonesian... when I go for a
> > brand name, it's Blue Bottle or Peet's. To change things up, I get
> > the French roast from Safeway's bulk coffee section... which isn't
> > "bad" coffee, it's just not as good as the others.
> >
> Mostly my coffee comes from Trader Joe's and I grind my own beans.
Oh, yes... poor ole TJ. I forgot about him. I've tried a few of
their coffee's but prefer the least expensive one in the blue can....
and I grind it there at the store. I've never understood what the BFD
is with grinding your own with every pot when it all tastes the same
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.