"Dave Bell" > wrote in message
> SCUBApix wrote:
> > Although a totaslly different scale, check out http://www.myscale.com/
> >
> > For a specific recommendation, type in 6001 (or 3001) in the search
> > box for a 6Kg (or 3Kg) scale.
> Great site, but is it just me, or do they no longer have a Search
> feature?!? What's the manufactuirer on your 3001 scale?
> Dave
Looks like they don't have either the search feature nor the scale I own
anymore. Sorry about that. Here's a link for the manufacturer:
You can get info on both the 3001 and 6001 series of scales at the above
Old Will Knot.com sells then. Check out
Go about half way down the page for the 3001 and then comes the 6001.
Normal caveats apply: I don't have any relationship with the manufacturer of
these scales, I don't have any relationship with any seller of these scales,
I have no personal knowledge of the manufacturer's or seller's political or
sexual preferences, etc., etc.