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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default I hit the jackpot at Smart & Final!

On Sat, 04 Jan 2014 10:33:14 -0700, Janet Bostwick
> wrote:

> On Fri, 03 Jan 2014 23:27:36 -0800, sf > wrote:
> >
> >I've been complaining about not being able to buy Sara Lee English
> >muffins at any of the major and local grocery chains + mom & pop
> >stores in my area. Someone (probably in my local usenet group)
> >mentioned before Christmas that I could find it at Smart & Final, so I
> >made a note of it. Then I was trying to find True Lemon, but the
> >stores I went to or called only carried True Lemon Lemonade, but
> >someone posted a link to where I could actually check to see which
> >True Lemon product was carried by my local stores and once again,
> >Smart & Final was the hero... so I went today and by golly they had
> >BOTH in stock! Ca-Ching! The icing on the cake was in the spice
> >aisle... they have a 4 different peppercorns mix (not listed
> >individually by name, but a visual count) : black, white, green and
> >pink.... 8 oz for less than $7.

> I can get a lot of regular things at Cash and Carry (Smart and Final)
> that I can't find in my supermarkets. The nice thing is that it is on
> route to my regular Winco. C&C is where I tour the aisles.

I did exactly that! Love going up and down their aisles.

It's off the beaten track for me, but as I said above, they remodeled
just before Christmas and it's gorgeous... you could even call it
upscale. Their property is next to a shopping center that has a Lucky
store in it and I go to Lucky when I want lamb because they stock
American lamb, not NZ or Aus. They also have beef flap meat at a not
too heart stopping price - in fact, the entire meat section is enough
different from the dozen+ Safeway stores I have nearer to me to make
the trip worth it every now and then. Anyway, I think the newly
remodeled Smart & Final will end up having a symbiotic relationship
(each helps the other) with Lucky's in the same sense that one of the
Trader Joe's near my house has with a Safeway in the same shopping
center: go there to shop at one and make it a twofer.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.