On 2-Aug-2004, Jesse Skeens > wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 07:44:43 GMT, "M&M" >
> wrote:
> >enough ash so you get some good draft. Load in about a chimney
> >and a half or two of cold lump. Dump a well lit chimney of lump
> >on top of that. Crack the firebox draft to 1". Not 1/2" or 1/4" or
> >2", but 1" precisely. "THEN" treat it like a sore dick. Don't F#$%
> >with it. Leave the chimney damper wide open. That cooker is
> >going to run about 250° to 275°. (At the grate). When it drops to
> >220° add another chimney of lump. Don't mess with the draft.
> >Trying to make that muther run at 220° or so is going to drive
> >you to the nut house. Give it up. If you have to cook at 220° just
> >fire up your WSM. No problem. Oh yeh, once you get that fire
> >stabilized, just throw a good sized log on top for smoke. I use
> I'll give that a go next time. Any particular patter that the cold
> lump needs to be in? I had a feeling that maybe putting the
> hot lump on top ofcold would not allow proper air flow to it.
> Would a "ring" of cold lump work better?
> As far as 220 well thats right where mine was at but not where
> I wanted it to be. Could never get it hotter than that except
> briefly.
> Thanks again,
> Jesse
I'm completely baffled by your problem getting it as hot as you'd like.
Mine will easily reach 400°. My problem is keeping the
heat under 300°. I don't bother with any pattern to the load of lump.
It may matter, but I don't mess with it. Actually, it sounds like your
problems are pretty minor.
M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")
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