Posted to
cooking channel
"Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Sat, 04 Jan 2014 16:13:53 -0800, sf > wrote:
>>>>>>On Sat, 4 Jan 2014 15:34:38 -0800, "Cheri" >
>>>>>>> I agree, both The Cooking Channel and Food Network have little of
>>>>>>> worth
>>>>>>> anymore IMO.
>>>>>>I think some posters in rfc hate it when "everyone" can get a channel
>>>>>>and there is nothing left for an imagined "in crowd" to crow about.
>>>>>>Just a tiny example: Before my city was wired for cable, there was a
>>>>>>lot of chatter here about how great FN was, people talking about
>>>>>>various shows (Barefoot Contessa for one), throwing the term EVOO
>>>>>>around like the latest high school slang word... and then it seemed
>>>>>>like as soon as my city was wired and I could figure out what everyone
>>>>>>was talking about, nobody had anything good to say about it anymore...
>>>>>>just a lot of snide remarks like that "of little worth" comment. They
>>>>>>have a lot of worth, I just don't like competitions and fake reality
>>>>>>shows crowding out real cooking content.
>>>>>>In fact, I think Dancing with the Stars, Duck Dynasty, The Voice etc
>>>>>>are trash television and yet somebody seems to like them.
>>>>> I had been going to respond to your first post that you had started
>>>>> another belly-aching thread for the habitues. I also was going to say
>>>>> that the channels have some worth and figured I'd get slammed for that
>>>>> by those that have nothing to learn. But, what the hell. Take it
>>>>> that I did respond such. )
>>>>> Janet US
>>>> So, what else is new? Everyone gets slammed no matter what their
>>>> opinion is on any subject. It's the way it is here.
>>> I completely disagree with that!
>> Well then you are WRONG! No doubt about that.
> You can't boil water and your fridge smells like cat box!
OMG! A peeping and sniffing Tom!