"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 1/4/2014 8:13 PM, Cheri wrote:
>>> I don't like them either, and never watch them because they don't
>>> interest me. I watch very little of the CC or FN anymore, but it seems
>>> when I do turn it on, there is some contest/race against time going on.
>>> I do like a few shows but if I had my choice, it would be PBS and the
>>> cooking shows that used to show on Saturday.
>> Bring back the Frugal Gourmet. At least I learned about cooking from
>> him.
> I did love him but... After those allegations, I don't think anyone will
> show his reruns.
I was very fond of his assistant, even though I
> can't remember his name. Now I am confused. Tried to look it up and
> someone said Cliff Smith. Another person said it wasn't Smith. Still
> another said Craig and Craig sounds familiar. But still another says
> Craig is now a counselor for abused kids.
Craig Wollam.
> I know there were allegations but was anything ever proven? And I hope
> that Craig (if that was his name) was not abused. I am just even more
> confused now!
The Frug was a pompous ass who asted [premium ingredients and then boasted
of being frugal. He was all about "Yeeewwwwww won't like this but
> I also loved the Two Hot Tamales and that one older guy who was a Cajun
> chef. He was funny!
Yeah, they were cool. Justin Wilson was the Cajun chef. I garontee.