Thread: Paleo Diet
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Paleo Diet

"Susan" > wrote in message
> x-no-archive; yes
> On 1/5/2014 11:44 PM, John J wrote:
>> Lol, yes, preferably, but most people aren't at risk of that.

> Sadly, not so true as it once was.
> With at least 50% of the population expected to be diabetic (or already
> so) and diabetic complications setting in much lower than the diagnostic
> levels, more than half the population is at elevated risk of kidney and
> vision damage, neuropathies, gastroparesis, and limb amputation or a
> combination of those pluse cardiovascular disease.

I am beginning to think that we as a whole have outlived our...I don't know
what but... Something is clearly wrong with the world. Wacky weather all
over. People who are being kept alive with medicines and other means and
yet they have no quality of life. I saw this where my dad was living.
Brains having little capacity for thinking, mouths unable to speak or even
eat much. Bodies not mobile. Dependent on someone else to pretty much
everything for them. Yes, typical of a certain part of old age but... To
what end?

And younger people... No longer dying of things that used to do people in.
But now? We have resistant super bugs. Bodies full of chemicals, even when
we go to great lengths to be careful what we eat. Where does this all end?
It doesn't. We'll just keep getting sicker and sicker and they'll inject us
with stuff or prescribe some pretty little pills for us. We'll take them
and hope that those pills don't kill us or give us side effect worse than
what they were trying to fix.

By the time my dad died, he was on so many medications, I can't even
remember what all they were or what some of them were for. And this seems
to be typical. We seem to have created a monster! Yes, technology, science
and medicine are all great things but... At the rate we are going, more of
us are going to have diabetes than not. And attempts to nip it in the bud
have failed. We're all doomed!