Paleo Diet
"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 16:32:02 -0800 (PST), Kalmia
> > wrote:
>>Ever tried Weight Watchers? I have seen amazing and LASTING results on
>>ppl who thought they could never lose. It's not a fad diet - just
>>sensible eating in the right portions. Coupled with a religious exercise
>>program, I don't think you can go wrong.
> About 13 years ago when I was overweight and went low-carb (which
> worked brilliantly, BTW), I would check the Weight Watchers products
> in the supermarkets and almost *everything* of theirs was loaded with
> carbs (even dairy products!) and low fat... how anyone lost weight on
> them is beyond me.
> I hope the above is no longer the case.
It's still the case and I know plenty of people who did lose weight on them.
Now me? I managed to lose 30 pounds on a diet that I devised. It was
mostly carbs, extremely low fat and had very little protein. It was a
vegetarian diet. In those days, I was mainly concerned with eating low fat
and didn't even think to factor protein into it. I ate mostly vegetables,
some grains and beans, some nuts, small amount of fruit, egg whites, the
occasional whole egg, perhaps baked into something and small amounts of what
was labeled as low fat cheese but in retrospect I doubt that it really was.
Tasted too good to be that.
The problem? Well, there were actually several. One, I had hit a plateau.
I could not lose any more weight. But that was okay with me. I looked good!
Two, I felt like crap. Weak, tired, incredibly cranky. It was all I could
do to drag myself though the day at work and do a little shopping. I did go
out dancing once or twice a week as a form of exercise and oh yes that did
factor in. I worked out with weights and did other things for at least 2
hours a day. To the point that I sustained overuse injuries and had to back
off of the weights for several months. But... In order to maintain this
weight loss, I had to continue this diet. And that just wasn't doable for
me in the long run. It wasn't enough food for me and I was constantly
hungry. Eventually I snapped and went back to eating more normally, for me
anyway. Such is the way of most diets and why they don't work in the long