Thread: Paleo Diet
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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Paleo Diet

On Tue, 07 Jan 2014 07:16:57 +1100, John J > wrote:

>On Tue, 07 Jan 2014 05:28:43 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 16:32:02 -0800 (PST), Kalmia
> wrote:
>>>Ever tried Weight Watchers? I have seen amazing and LASTING results on ppl who thought they could never lose. It's not a fad diet - just sensible eating in the right portions. Coupled with a religious exercise program, I don't think you can go wrong.

>>About 13 years ago when I was overweight and went low-carb (which
>>worked brilliantly, BTW), I would check the Weight Watchers products
>>in the supermarkets and almost *everything* of theirs was loaded with
>>carbs (even dairy products!) and low fat... how anyone lost weight on
>>them is beyond me.
>>I hope the above is no longer the case.

>Maybe by applying a revolutionary technique called moderation.

What you eat is more important than how much you eat.

As an aside, since completely changing my lifestyle 5 years ago I now
find I can eat a lot of carbs such as spuds and carrots without
gaining weight.

I get a lot of exercise, and I've noticed that even though I have a
wheat intolerance I can now indulge in a loaf per week whereas before
it would have made me feel 'blah'... exercise play a big part not just
in losing weight but how your body deals with what you put into it.

I pretty much eat what I and my friends grow or hunt/fish and not much
else. Just simple meat, fish, poultry, dairy, fruit and veggies. Loads
of saturated fats... Very little comes from a packet... coffee beans
being a very important exception! I've noticed that none of these
friends of mine are overweight, funnily enough...