cauliflower cheese please...
Kajikit > wrote in
> I made some cauliflower cheese last week, only I didn't have a recipe
> so I guessed. I lightly blanched half a cauliflower and grated up
> about a cup of tasty cheese. When the cauliflower was done I drained
> it and tipped it into a dish, then warmed up a cup of milk in the
> saucepan until it was just warm enough to melt the cheese. Then I
> added three beaten eggs and tipped the lot over the cauliflower.
> The problem was when I baked it it ended up very watery and I don't
> think it was supposed to! It also didn't taste cheesy enough... does
> anyone have a good recipe for it?
There are many many recipes for your basic white sauce (with cheese). But
it boils down to a formula X TBSP flour and X TBSP butter and Y cup(s)
You cook the flour in the butter for a bit (to loose the raw flour taste).
You stir this frequently (you don't want lumps).
You add the milk and bring to a boil while stirring.
remove from heat.
Now if you want just a standard sauce x and y =1
If you want something thicker y=1 and x can be 2 or 3.
Now for the cheese part,
Add a cup of grated cheese slowly bit by bit as it melts.
What type(s) of grated cheese is up to you.
Additional seasonings are also up to you, some even add chives or other
herbs. A pinch of Mustard Powder or Nutmeg seems to bring out/Accent the
cheese flavour better.
The easiest cheese sauce is to nuke some velveeta cheese till melted and
pour it on whatever.
Once during Prohibition I was forced to live for days on nothing but food
and water.