I'm going to sell my Chocolate Covered Cherries!!
On Wed, 8 Jan 2014 16:09:53 -0800 (PST), Bryan-TGWWW
> wrote:
>On Wednesday, January 8, 2014 1:03:47 PM UTC-6, John Kuthe wrote:
>> On Wed, 08 Jan 2014 12:28:04 -0600, jay > wrote:
>> >In article >,
>> > John Kuthe > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Not as Christmas Candy though. I started making Christmas Candy 28
>> >> years ago as a protest against the commercializaion of Christmas and
>> >> so it shall always be.
>I's funny that an Atheist would object to "the commercializaion of Christmas," but not Valentine's Day, but V-Day is a very chocolatey holiday.
>> >> But it is NOTa violation of my personal ethics to make and sell
>> >> Valentine's Day Chocolate Covered Cherries! :-)
>> >>
>> >> Bryan, there is hope for you yet! But you'll have to PAY THE PRICE!
>> >> ;-)
>None for me, but I could see buying a present. Where will they be? Starr's?
>> >> John Kuthe...
>> >
>> >Question is??
>> >
>> >
>> >Does anyone what them? *)
>> >
>> >jay
>> Everyone who has ever had them says YES!
>They really are something special, Jay. I'd suggested to John for quite a
>few years that he make them for sale, and the world will be a happier place
>for his decision to do so.
>> John Kuthe...
Bryan's right, they are as a female boating friend of mine calls them
I have to make them first, which I'm going to do in a week or so. I
was thinking of possibly selling them at Jon's diner and maybe Starrs.
I have not fond anything out about any requirements either may have. I
may just end up selling them delivery or mail order.
John Kuthe...