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bigwheel bigwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by W View Post
My stove has small heating plates, about eight inches diameter. I have a
large cast iron griddle that I place onto that, about 20 inches wide. I
am looking for a product that might integrate copper into the base, so that
the heat will distribute uniformally all over the cast iron. Does anyone
make that?

The problem I have is that the cast iron gets to about 380 degrees in the
area over the stove plate, but is about 230 degrees just a few inches off
the edges of that plate. I thought cast iron would distribute heat in a
uniform way, but apparently is not doing that.

Typical application for this grill would be pancakes. Right now the
pancakes get more cooked on the side that is over the middle of the grill
than on the outside side. I don't want to hassle with constant change of
position to get an evenly cooked surface.

The cure you seek is called aluminum. Contrary to what old folks say cast iron is not a very effective heat dispersal material. Copper would prob be best with aluminum running it a close second. It has strange properties in other words. you could get a piece of flat aluminum plate to put between the heat and the cast iron griddle or you could skip a step and get an aluminum griddle. They can be picked up in the camping section at Wally Word for around 15 bucks. No stick on the top side. Works wonderful on a boy scout camp stove too. Ideal for pancakes. In fact a person can cook a full breakfast on it including the bacon. Now the most ideal pancake cooker in the world are the George Foreman Grill stype things. We have a GE Clone with two no stick stufaces. Works like a charm. Learnt that trick from Alton Brown. Kindly keeps us posted on how it works out.

Last edited by bigwheel : 10-01-2014 at 02:19 AM