Pewter frying pan
On 10/01/2014 13:40, Gary wrote:
> White Spirit wrote:
>> I was worried about using aluminium pans due to the widely discredited
>> hypothesis that aluminium pans can cause Alzheimers' disease. Stainless
>> steel is nice but I have had problems with them rusting in the
>> dishwasher because I often have the salt dispenser set too high.
> Salt dispenser in your dishwasher? That's a new one to me.
Dishwasher salt is commonly available in the UK so I assume it's normal.
There are all-in-one tablets that contain salt already. It's used to
counteract the hardness of water.
> Also, never heard of stainless steel rusting.
It isn't truly stainless.
> I use stainless steel almost exclusively and have *never* had a rust
> issue.
If you put them in a dishwasher with the salt dispenser set too high,
you will.