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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Can't stop dipping stuff into other stuff

Doris Night wrote:
> The Lord of the Rings series ranks number 2 on the Best Selling Books
> of All Time list, and The Hobbit is also in the top 10 (either #4 or
> #6, depending on what list you look at).
> I think I've read the whole series 3 times over the years, plus seen
> the movies several times.

I bought and read the 4 books (Hobbit & Lord of the Rings trilogy)
back in the mid 70s. Very good read. My only issue was how they would
get to some exciting point then go off to some other thing, leaving
you hanging for a hundred pages or so. I hate that, and not all
authors do that.

I've tried watching the movies but they seem very slow (yawn) so I've
never really watched them. I might re-read the book again.
