On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:28:18 AM UTC-5, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
> I just finished a can. First breakfast was a piece of pollock, but when I
> saw kipper, I couldn't resist. Fish for breakfast, and I'm an American.
> --B
I love kippers but have not had them for over a decade. The
best are the fresh ones (freshly smoked) not the ones in
packages. The problem is that they stink out the house.
Even if they are cooked outside, just bringing them indoors
will result in a lingering aroma. Not to mention disposal of
the bones.
Regarding ethnic food I'm almost never fooled by local
offerings. I know that it is almost impossible to get
authentic food away from the country of origin. One
exception is a superb restaurant I found in Chinatown, San
British food gets a bad rap, however I bet very few people outside the island know what it is. This goes doubly for Scotland.