Thread: American foods
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Cindy Hamilton[_3_] Cindy Hamilton[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 500
Default American foods

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sf > wrote:
>On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 19:48:13 -0600, barbie gee >
>> Heck, it might be fun to post some of the "ethnic" foods that the US
>> stores have, for our "foreign" posters! :-) We have more than a few
>> supermarket chains that have a full aisle dedicated to much more than the
>> old-school Mexican and Chinese foods nowadays.
>> The Italian (from Italy) foods are interesting, as are the European
>> offerings from Poland, Germany. Some Indian and Middle-eastern stuff,
>> too.

>The thing is - we don't have a UK section in the grocery store.

My grocery store does. I generally sail right past it, but it's
got Branston pickle, some weird flavored crisps, and Twiglets,
among other things. Regrettably, my cellphone doesn't have a

Cindy Hamilton