Trader Joe's
"Steve Freides" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> We stopped in there yesterday just to see if there was something of
>> interest. Nope. Actually my mom needed to go into a store in the
>> same strip mall and we didn't need to go in there. So we went to
>> TJs. The place was packed but I just don't get it. Although I
>> didn't look at each and every item, I really didn't see a thing that
>> I couldn't get elsewhere. And their prices didn't seem any cheaper. Our
>> TJs is quite small though. So it could be that there are others
>> that sell more products than this one does.
> I shop at three grocery stores on a regular basis. One is "normal" -
> that's Stop 'n' Shop. The others are Whole Foods and TJ's.
> Personally, I buy what I want from each, e.g., TJ's and WF have what
> appears to me to be exactly the same bacon - packaging is nearly
> identical - but it costs less at TJ's so we buy it there. Produce, OTOH,
> is consistently fresher and higher quality at WF than at any other grocery
> store chain I've ever been in. Cheese is very good, and much less
> expensive, at TJ's so I don't buy cheese at WF, but I buy all my deli
> meats at WF because they're fresh sliced and TJ's is only packaged (and I
> like them sliced thin).
> Stop 'n' Shop for me is for cat food, white bread, plastic bags, and a few
> other things, and not much else.
> Just my opinion, your choices will vary, but I don't think there's any one
> grocery chain that has everything I want at prices I'm willing to pay.
We had Stop and Shop on Cape Cod. I went there occasionally but I didn't
buy a lot.