Ladies (and maybe some gents): purse sitting in shopping cart?
On 1/16/2014 1:09 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> In article >,
> Roy > wrote:
>> It was a huge CON-game from day one and motorists had NO choice.
>> Profit is the name of the game and the gougers have won.
> Suppose you owned a gas station. You wouldn't be able to afford
> to pay pump jockeys unless you charged more than the self-serve
> guy across the street. If you charged more, most people would
> go to the guy across the street and pump their own. Shoot,
> people will drive across town to save a penny a gallon.
> Cindy Hamilton
Well, I won't drive across town to save a penny or even two. (Same
thing with driving all over to shop at different grocery stores... not
that I've ever lived in a place with a glut of grocery stores and
specialty shops.)
Back in the day the pump jockeys also used to check the oil and wash
your windows. When I lived in one area just outside the Memphis city
limits (circa 1995), there was a gas station on the corner. It had a
full serve and a self serve island. Your choice. The full-serve had
one those hoses you run over, it rings a bell to alert the attendant.
Remember those? Ding ding! This "gas station" also had two service
garage bays. They did oil changes, patched tires, etc. I can't say
I've seen any place like it in years.