On 2014-01-16 18:25:36 +0000, sf said:
>> Perhaps this issue relates more mean humidity. The humidity here the
>> past week has gotten as low as 5% this week. That's dry. I doubt you
>> have anything akin to Santa Ana winds there.
> You lucky Southern Cal people get to deal the "Santa" winds and
> subsequent fires every year. We get to deal with the fear, during
> non-drought years, that levies in the Delta might break (ala New
> Orleans) and flood what used to be a seasonal flood plain.
Send some agua are way; we're parched.
> Heaven only knows what would happen to the Bays (the other one is San Pablo).
> SF humidity at the moment is 32% according to Google.
I hate to carp too much about our weather, considering that of at least
another 40 states.