Ladies (and maybe some gents): purse sitting in shopping cart?
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 1/16/2014 6:10 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> But you will find
>> assorted ointments, creams, Bandaids, tweezers, nail clippers, etc.
>> You won't find any junk in my purse.
> You just listed a bunch of junk. Nail clippers are in a drawer at home. I
> never saw the need to carry them with me at all times. Ointments and
> creams? Probably in the same drawer as the tweezers and nail clippers.
> Band Aid is in the glove box of the car.
They are not useless to me! When you have a kid, you need such things.
Heck, even I need such things. Okay, I never or rarely use Bandaids myself.
I am prone to psoriasis which is why I don't. They cause flares for me.
But psoriasis is one reason I need those ointments and creams. Hives that
come seemingly out of nowhere is another. I also have eye problems where I
need to use drops. I don't use nail clippers on my nails either. I have a
file for that. I keep one in my purse and another in the van. But they
have come in handy countless times when I had some sort of package that was
supposed to be easy to open but then wasn't. Little kids often get tiny
things stuck in weird places and tweezers are great for that. I also used
them in lieu of pliers to fix part of one purse I had that would frequently
come undone. And they can be used to repair jewelry on the fly.
> My pockets have some money, keys, handkerchief and wallet.
Most women's clothes do not have pockets. At least mine don't. And even if
they did, I wouldn't put stuff in there.