Ladies (and maybe some gents): purse sitting in shopping cart?
On Fri, 17 Jan 2014 08:52:40 -0500, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 1/17/2014 8:19 AM, ChattyCathy wrote:
>> On Fri, 17 Jan 2014 08:57:15 -0400, lucretiaborgia wrote:
>>> Would you know what became of ? Think that was the addy -
>>> it suddenly seemed to die a death - it was moderated and I believe the
>>> moderator changed, perhaps that influenced it.
>> I seem to recall a NG called, maybe that's the one
>> you're thinking about? Haven't looked at that NG in... years. But the
>> last time I did, there was nothing much happening, just a few spam
>> posts (handbags/shoes for sale, etc.)
>> My guess is that the moderator(s) just gave up on it.
> The way I remember it, people were still interested in the newsgroup but
> the moderator disappeared, not asking if anyone else wanted to take on
> the task. Strange.
I think you're right! I also vaguely remember that Omelet offered to take
over from Ms Hill as a moderator at some point - to your knowledge did
anything ever come out of that?
Chatty Cathy