Cup vs Pot
only thing is.. if you've got one measly scoop of leaves in a big ol pot,
you might need to swirl the water around while it's brewing to get the
leaves to properly infuse. I can't imagine you'd get a nice rich cup from a
monster pot if you're only brewing a small amount, because the water would
be very much open to the air space above it in the pot and would cool off
very quickly and you'd probably lose a lot of the fragrance of the tea. I'd
stick with a little pot to brew small amounts, because the beauty of that is
I fill the pot to the top, put the lid on then pour the boiling water all
over the pot and some goes down the steam hole so there's no air in the pot
at all. The water stays hot for a long time and no aroma leaks out. Maybe
there's no difference but it seems like there is.
"RB Watts" > wrote in message
> Alex S. wrote:
> > Why is it that some people insist on making a pot of tea just big
> > enough to fill one mug? Is there any different when brewing a
> > bag/leaves of tea in a covered mug or a 2-cup teapot? Does the pot
> > maintain the appropriate temperature while brewing rather than a
> > covered, warmed cup?
> >
> > Also, if this is true; since I only have a six-cup teapot, would it be
> > practical to brew 1 mug (2 cups) in my teapot instead of my mug? Thank
> > you in advance, I really value this group's help in getting me
> > interested in tea.
> I really doubt it would matter all that much either way, as long as the
> leaves have enough room to unfold and whatnot.