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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default What a 6 mo cluster.....OT

On Monday, January 20, 2014 9:10:40 AM UTC-8, Nanzi wrote:
> It started this past summer with the roof leaking roof...then Mom's illness....and death....then hubby's heart problems....the normal holiday hectics....and Friday we had to send our beloved 15 yr old Jack Russell Terrorista to the bridge. Her craziness and exhuberence for life will be sorely missed. Could we now have 6 mos of boring quiet normal life please??? Sheesh, enough is enough!! I know we all go thru phases like this, and 'this too shall pass' but what a strain when you're going thru it!!
> Nan in DE

Wow. You've had quite a time of it. Have you ever considered meditation?
Seriously, I don't think I would be sane without it.