Thread: Pavlova
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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Pavlova

> wrote in message
> On Wed, 22 Jan 2014 13:00:44 -0500, Ross@home wrote:
>>On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:06:08 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>>>What are the characteristics of a good one?

>>I wasn't even sure what a pavlova consisted of so, of course, I
>>googled it.
>>I now know I won't be making one in the near future.
>>Even on the rare occasion I'm confronted with lemon meringue pie, if I
>>can do it without being rude, I will push the meringue to the side. If
>>I'm served it as a guest, I'll choke it down.
>>Just one of those hangups one keeps since childhood I guess. And in my
>>case, childhood was prior to WWII ;-).
>>Southern Ontario, Canada

> Well the topping on lemon meringue and the meringue for a Pavlova,
> bear no resemblance.

I've been making a lot of macarons recently, using Italian meringue. The
leftover meringue I've made into mini meringues that have gone down well.
Italian meringue is fiddly to make but it is easier to handle than the
simpler French version.
When I lived in Australia, one could order Pavlova bases from the local
deli. I'm sure, given the fragile nature of a real Pav, that they used
Italian meringue.