Thread: Diabetes
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tert in seattle tert in seattle is offline
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Default Diabetes

Ophelia wrote:
> "tert in seattle" > wrote in message
> ...
>> please disregard Susan's hyperventialing - you are fine, probably just
>> need to lose a little weight, sub veggies for pepperoni on pizza and
>> things
>> like that, sit less often (even consider a standing desk), and go for a
>> nice 30 minute walk on as many days of clement weather as possible

> I don't make pizza any more, I haven't ever bought processed or prepared
> food and have always cooked everything from scratch. Every day I cook veg
> and protein in various ways. The only carbs we eat are some potato with our
> meal and a slice of my homemade bread for breakfast as I outlined. I am
> losing a little weight now so that is nice too I am keeping a table on
> each meal and the numbers after 2 hours. Now we have the new numbers it is
> much easier!
>> and continue to monitor your glucose

> I am doing that We haven't been walking much because we lost our
> beloved dog last January. We are only just coming to terms with it and have
> decided to look for another rescue dog, next month. We will get plenty of
> exercise then again
> Thank you so much for your support

I'm sorry to hear you lost your dog

the rescue can go both ways of course :-)