On 1/22/2014 10:52 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> If you are on insulin, as are more and more T2s these days, you need
>> to be concerned and aware of the possibility of a low. I've been told
>> by my diabetes doctor AND kidney doctor that lows are more dangerous
>> than a high and should be avoided at all costs.
> They can be. Especially if you are driving or going down stairs or
> anything like that.
No, I meant in the course of your long term health. Lows can be very
damaging to your overall health. Of course driving while having a hypo
can be as dangerous as driving drunk. As for stairs, well... a low could
be very dangerous there, but only to yourself, unlike driving with a
hypo. (-:
I intend to live forever....so far, so good.
......Steven Wright