"Janet" > wrote in message
> In article >, says...
>> I'm not sure how they would know this as most normies would have no
>> reason
>> to test. My former Endo. said that normies are almost always around 80.
>> Exceptions being if they are on certain meds like steroids or perhaps
>> ill.
>> Not sure how he would know this either.
> So much for your claim to be "expert in science"
I never claimed to be an expert in science. I said that I got A+s in
biology. Diabetes is a very complicated thing. I did say that I have that
Joslin book on it. There are over 300 variances of it. And there is much
we still don't undersand.
> Normal people in good health with reliable health services, still get
> thorough health checkups and screening. Many illnesses are more
> prevalent in certain age groups so a good medical service, will perform
> age-related health screenings to pick up early diagnostics.
> The "normal" results from screening well people are collated because
> they are vital to medical research.
Of course! But how are they tested for diabetes? I was given a random
finger stick once. Dr. told me that I had diabetes then backtracked and
said that he never said that. Then incorrect testing (fasting finger stick
and 24 hour urine collection) confirmed what he said, one month later. But
I did in fact have diabetes. I was just unwittingly controlling it with my
diet. And was also on a thyroid med that I needed not to be on. Thyroid
problems can cause elevated or low BG if left untreated or not treated
How many normies are going to go to the Dr. and get a random finger stick at
2 hours after eating? I'm sure it could happen. But at least in this
country the normal test for diabetes is the OGTT. Unless perhaps a random
finger stick is above 180 or 10 in your terms.
I'm sure that Drs. and scientists have had to use normies as their control
group when doing various things. So they would know what normie numbers
are. Was that Dr. that I mentioned a person who knows what he is talking
about? Dunno. He was wrong on other counts.