"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Susan" > wrote in message
> ...
>> x-no-arhive: yes
>> On 1/23/2014 9:17 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> So using the ‘divide by 18 rule that is:
>>> FASTING level should be below 131/18 = 7.27
>>> Average below 154/18 = 8.5
>>> Peak after meals below 180/18 = 10
>>> Wow! That makes it all much easier to manage
) I was panicking at
>>> everything over 7 after meals
>> Those numbers are way too high and represent severe risks of diabetic
>> damage and earlier mortality.
> I'll take them along to the practice nurse in March and see what she
> thinks.
> She said at the last check the last numbers were below the diabetic range!
> I asked if that meant there was no diabetes and therefore no need to be
> under her care, she said once you are diagnosed, you will always be
> checked so I am still checking my numbers each day!
Just curious. What test did they do to diagnose you?