Thread: Pavlova
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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Pavlova

On Fri, 24 Jan 2014 15:04:26 -0600, Janet Wilder >

> Thank you, SF. I have often wondered about using the egg whites in a
> container. Now I know they won't work. The powdered ones have worked
> for me.

I think you can use them if they are unpasturized with no additional
ingredients. One poster mentioned buying whippable whites at Whole
Foods. DD has a container of whites from Fresh and Easy. It is only
egg whites, no preservatives, but it's pasteurized - so according to
that thread they won't whip up properly . I'm so glad to hear that
dehydrated whites do work and I will put it to the test sometime in
the near future. Thanks again!

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