Marmite; Irn Bru Now Taboo In Canada
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Marmite; Irn Bru Now Taboo In Canada
In article >,
> On Fri, 24 Jan 2014 18:35:12 -0400,
> > On Fri, 24 Jan 2014 13:34:10 -0800 (PST),
> > wrote:
> >
> >>Don't go running off to Saskatoon for your Marmite fix: A Canadian food
> >>inspection agency has seized a shipment of British products intended for
> >>the Brit Foods store their. Owner Mr. Badger was told that Irn-Bru contained
> >>an impermissible dye (causes hyperactivity in children) and that Marmite
> >>contained additional vitamins, not allowed by Canadian law.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I buy it locally in NS in the stupidmarket, right there on the shelf.
> Marmite is available here in the U.S., unfortunately. So is Ovaltine,
> but it's made locally. Irn-Bru I've never heard of, but we have
> shitloads of "energy drinks" here.
> Apparently Penguin bars, Lucozade, and Bovril were also confiscated.
> All because of food colorings or additives not allowed in Canada.
> And it took them how long to realize this? How's that for
> enforcement.
According to a press report by IrnBru, they manufacture a different
formula for Canada which does not contain the colourant that's banned in
It's ghastly stuff IMO.. a soft drink advertised as "Made in
Scotland from Girders" which just about sums it up... fizzy and rust
coloured, horrible taste. Once in a cafe, an American tourist sharing
the same table asked if I could advise, she wanted to order " typically
Scottish" items from the menu, to try out. She was happy with some
cullen skink (a fish soup) and oatcakes, unfortunately she had heard of
Irn Bru and against my advice insisted on ordering it as her drink. One
sip and she said "You were right" she opted for Highland Spring water
Janet UK.
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