OT Pinterest hacking
On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 09:13:49 +0200, ChattyCathy
> wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Jan 2014 20:26:42 -0800, sf wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 02:07:18 +0200, ChattyCathy
> > > wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Yeah, yeah, heard it all before - but if FB suddenly does go down - are
> >> these 'mom and pop' store owners all gonna throw their hands in the
> >> air, panic and close up shop? I sincerely doubt it.
> >
> > I doubt it too - I also doubt they would suddenly see the light and go
> > with a professionally designed and maintained web page. they'd just
> > move on to whatever new "social networking" site that isn't too
> > intimidating.
> You're probably right. But you're missing my point (again).
> I have no idea if our local 'mom and pop' supermarket has a FB page, or is
> listed on the electronic yellow pages/whatever. Odds are they do/are but I
> don't shop there because of that. I shop there because they usually have
> what I want on the shelves when I go there and the meat/poultry in the
> butchery section is of high quality and is no more expensive than the
> bigger supermarket chains around here...
> At one time they didn't stock a particular brand of cat food our felines
> prefer, so I asked the manager if he could order it - and he did, and now
> they always have it in stock. That's what I call 'real service' - and I
> couldn't give a hoot whether they have a FB/whatever presence or not. They
> do things like this for other people I know who shop there too - so 'word
> of mouth' is still alive and kicking.
Is word of mouth the point you thought I was missing? <shrug> So
> As an aside - have you seen the movie 'Gravity'? I just had to chuckle
> when George Clooney's character Matt Kowalski said, "Half of North America
> just lost their Facebook".
No I haven't seen it, probably never will. Too b-o-r-i-n-g.
Good Food.
Good Friends.
Good Memories.