On 1/26/2014 10:25 AM, Doris Night wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:32:46 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> The dance studio has a website but... They don't run it. They hire someone
>> to do that for them. If they need to get the word out quickly to us all,
>> they use email and Facebook. Facebook is quicker, I'm sure!
> But what if you don't happen to have your computer turned on at all
> times?
> Doris
Or, heaven forbid, the computer breaks?
The meat market in town sends emails about weekly specials. It's a BCC
list so I don't have to slog through a hundred email address headers to
read what's going on. I can't see how logging into Facebook would be
any faster than reading an email.
I'm only slightly irked by the fact that (for example) the cat litter I
prefer to buy moved everything from their web site to Facebook. I don't
have to re-activate my FB account to look for special offers or print
coupons. It's just the ASSumption that everyone loves FB that bugs me.
My 2 cents.