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If you were selecting US food stuffs for sale overseas
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:53:37 -0700, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>> On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 12:27:53 -0600, Sqwertz >
>> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 10:04:39 -0700, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>>>> What items would you select? Now be fair. Don't pick the trashiest.
>>>> This group tends to rear back in horror at the food choices of others
>>>> and pretend they would never stoop so low ;o) What kinds of things do
>>>> you count on being on the shelves of your supermarket?
>>>> I need canned tomatoes of various kinds, Dijon and French's mustard,
>>>> Heinz catsup, mayonnaise, canned enchilada sauce, diced green chilis,
>>>> Pace Picante or similar, tortillas, refried beans, boxed stock, and
>>>> yes, a couple cans of cream of mushroom and tomato soup.
>>>> Janet US
>>>I mostly don't know what they have in foreign grocery stores. So I
>>>don't know if I would be picking items that they have, or similar
>> I don't know if that is a fair take on it. I often pick up labels
>> from other countries just out of curiosity. What stuff would
>> represent you?
> I explore all the foreign foods at my supermarkets. But like Ofie's
> pictures of her "American section", I'm sure it's not even close to
> being representative of the selection in their respective grocery
> stores.
> I'm pretty sure they have cream of mushroom soup in the U.K., for
> example. And tomato. Maybe not Campbell's, but is that really a bad
> thing
We do have Campbell's soups.