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OT Pinterest hacking
In article >,
Nancy Young > wrote:
> On 1/26/2014 2:40 AM, ChattyCathy wrote:
> > Well, I didn't read or 'share' anything with this NG for a couple of years
> > and the world didn't stop turning for me - and I'm willing to bet nobody
> > gave a damn.
> You'd be wrong. Just sayin.
> >
> > Mind you, there might have been one of those "Anybody heard from XXXX?"
> > threads, to which certain posters might have replied, "I hope she's not
> > dead" <yeah, right> while others would have said, "Hope she is dead and
> > good riddance". Then somebody would have googled and come to the
> > conclusion I *was* dead and posted something to that effect.... Then, more
> > than likely it would have morphed into a nice flame war about 'speaking
> > ill of the dead' and/or what a moron/saint I was <cough> - which might
> > have been cause for some entertainment value here - for a couple of hours,
> > anyway.
> (laugh) Nothing like that happened. Regarding you, I mean.
> It's exactly what happened to one person, unfortunately.
> nancy
Who? Name names, Woman!
Barb,, as of April 8, 2013.